Reboots MUsic & Technology Dr. Eileen Meyer
After I retired from Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas in 2016, I planned to spend the rest of my life and music teaching career in the Midwest where I was born and where I had purchased a home. When I made the decision to return to Texas, I realized that "REBOOTS" was a perfect name for my Music & Technology business. After all, I was putting on my boots and moving back to Texas!
It's easy to relate "rebooting" to technology, for example a computer is "rebooted" when the device is restarted. I relate the term "reboots" to music because I believe it is never too late to start or restart music lessons, especially when there are so many health benefits associated with reading and playing music. I teach piano lessons to adults only, using books written for adult learners. There are no performance requirements for my studio. The only requirement is to join me in rebooting your love of music!
Dr. Eileen Meyer has been teaching private music lessons since 1982, and was a full-time, tenured music professor for over 20 years. She regularly performs on keyboard in Georgetown, TX and in Burnet, TX on Lake Buchanan, and previously performed as a brass soloist throughout the United States, Europe, and the Caribbean. She presented clinics, conferences, and published papers about performing, teaching, and music technology. Throughout her university teaching career, Dr. Meyer not only taught private music lessons, but she also conducted ensembles and taught Music Theory and Solfege classes.